Amazing Race Season 14 may have ended, but Competitours will keep the excitement going this summer with its European travel competition that anyone can do. No lengthy application process is required; just the willingness to go head to head with a bonafide Amazing Race champion — Tyler MacNiven from the show's ninth season.
Along with other teams of two, he and a partner will be competing for the grand prize during the July 27 to August 5 trip, one of five offered this summer. All teams will travel to secret destinations in Western and Central Europe and perform a series of fun and quirky challenges that they will document with their own portable video cameras. Those videos will be evaluated by a panel of judges that will award a special grand-prize, consisting airfare, hotel and prize money.
The best part about Competitours, though, is that the challenges are not about speed or physical strength. Instead, teams that employ creativity, resourcefulness and originality will be rewarded. Furthermore, the game emphasizes "sight-doing," not merely sightseeing, so participants can enjoy their time abroad.
“I’m a big fan of the 'sight-doing' motto,” says MacNiven. “I'm looking forward to being a part of this great competitourition. There is deep resonance on my end.”
Long before he crossed the Amazing Race finish line, MacNiven and his then partner, B.J. Averell, had become that season's fan favorites and were dubbed “the hippies.” Their laid-back style rose above drama that has plagued many of the more infamous teams in the past. And they always stopped to enjoy the moment.
Check out a few videos from a previous competition on the Competitours YouTube page. or check out a few sample challenges on the Competitours sample Google Map.
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